Welcome to Thailand!

This is a web site you can discover the Best places for vacation holidays in Thailand। Let's explore the captivating splendor of the finest hotels and resorts throughout Thailand, and enjoy the very best time with friends and family। Moreover, you can gather a lifetime of memories, and experience the timeless natural wonders here in Thailand।
Thailand, the land of thousand smiles where culture strikes a perfect balance with breathtaking beauty and tranquility. Thailand has cast its magical spell on travelers for century. This amazing land is full of magical places that make you feel lost in time. A land that is rich in culture and natural heritages, it allows you to listen to the sound of the wind blowing through the hills. Finally, you will find how Thailand come to be known as The Amazing Thailand.
We are very proud to share with you all the excitement, surprise and inspiration of Thailand। Your journey with your dream have just begun.
Thailand, the land of thousand smiles where culture strikes a perfect balance with breathtaking beauty and tranquility. Thailand has cast its magical spell on travelers for century. This amazing land is full of magical places that make you feel lost in time. A land that is rich in culture and natural heritages, it allows you to listen to the sound of the wind blowing through the hills. Finally, you will find how Thailand come to be known as The Amazing Thailand.
We are very proud to share with you all the excitement, surprise and inspiration of Thailand। Your journey with your dream have just begun.
Thailand is the only country in Southeast Asia that was never colonised। Literally translated, Thailand means "Land of the Free", although it is most often referred to as a "Land of Smiles"। The Thais are proud and content of their country, and they are always smiling। Thai people dislike hot tempers and loud voices। They are warm and welcoming to foreigners, whom they call "farangs" (foreigners)। A visitor will feel quite safe asking a stranger for the directions। There is a sense of peace that prevails thoughout the country, perhaps due to the fact that 90% of the population is Buddihist।
The Buddhist philosophy permeates all facets of national life। Wherever we go, we will see monks with orange (or yellow) robes and shaven heads strolling the streets। Visit a temple and a visitor may witness an ordinary ceremony when saffron-robed novices are carried high above the shoulders of their friends and families।
The Buddhist philosophy permeates all facets of national life। Wherever we go, we will see monks with orange (or yellow) robes and shaven heads strolling the streets। Visit a temple and a visitor may witness an ordinary ceremony when saffron-robed novices are carried high above the shoulders of their friends and families।